Jeff Wassmer, Class of 2005

Jeff Wassmer
CEO, Spectrum Comm Inc.
Yorktown, VA
What is new and exciting with you now or since your time with Lead Virginia?
I have become more connected in many areas of my life directly because of Lead VA. I’ve had the opportunity to see my business grow, serve in non-profits, receive a couple of appointments by a Governor and serve in elected office. I am also proudest of my two grandkids!
How did Lead Virginia shape you as a leader?
Lead Virginia provided valuable connections and resources. I’ve had the privilege to Chair the Virginia Port Authority and my Lead VA connections were huge. It has also allowed me to be connected to issues that are important across the commonwealth.
Since Lead Virginia, how have you put your social capital to work?
I’ve run for elected office and am currently serving, and I’ve had the opportunity to serve on various non-profit boards. My Lead VA experience has given me a valuable foundation of what other organizations across the commonwealth have done for success.
What were your expectations of Lead Virginia prior to beginning the program? Did the program exceed or meet your expectations?
As the first Lead Virginia class, I had not formed many expectations other than participating in a local leadership program. It well-exceeded my expectations. Having only lived in Virginia for 6 years, it was invaluable getting to know the Commonwealth – people, places, successes and challenges.
What was your biggest takeaway or lesson learned from Lead Virginia that continues to stick with you today?
That we are a diverse commonwealth. We have very similar issues, they just manifest themselves differently. Addressing for all will make us better.