Honor Roll | Donors
Lead Virginia Donor Honor Roll

Lead Virginia is incredibly grateful for the support and engagement of our alumni and friends. Contributions to the Lead Virginia Society annual fund in 2023 totaled more than $94,000 which goes to support the annual class program and scholarships, alumni activities and operational support. As corporate and individual giving has had its ebbs and flows through the years, your financial support becomes even more important to the sustainability of this nonprofit and provides a voice for Virginia’s diverse regions to be represented. Thank you. You are deeply appreciated.

* Denotes Member of Board of Directors


Class of 2005

Mr. Charlie Agee
Ms. Donna Fleming Cuviello
Mr. Douglas McDonald*
Mr. Harrell Peterson

Class of 2006

Ms. Susan Horne*
Mr. Dennis Howard
Ms. Deborah Tompkins Johnson

Class of 2007

Ms. Beth Bortz
Mr. Mike Drzal
Ms. Betsy Frantz*
Ms. Nancy Gansneder
Mr. Ned Massee


Class of 2008

Mr. Brent Archer
Ms. Deborah Armstrong
Mr. Peter Blake*
Ms. Sandra Bushue
Mr. Joe Hines*
Mr. Glen Skinner*

Class of 2009

Dr. Nick Langridge*
Mr. Henry "Mike" Ligon

Class of 2010

Mr. David Hunn
Ms. Cathryn Lowe
Mr. Greg Parsons
Mr. Will Vaughn


Class of 2011

Mr. Ken Ampy
Ms. Jeanne Broyhill
Mr. Rick Pevarski*
Mr. Anthony "Tony" Pla
Mr. Todd Rowley*
Mr. Jeff Schragg*

Class of 2012

Dr. Leanna Blevins*
Ms. Deb Gandy
Mr. Keith Martin*
Mr. Tom McCubbins

Class of 2013

Mr. Maxwell Chance
Ms. Jen Kostyniuk
Mr. John Markowitz
Mr. Rhodes Ritenour*
Dr. Susan Short
Dr. Kristen Westover


Class of 2014

Ms. Jennifer Doss
Mr. Matt Fidler
Mr. Buddy Kourouklis*
Mr. Drew Marrs
Ms. Kathy Strawn*

Class of 2015

Mr. Jim Bibbs Ms. Kim Clark Pakstys
Dr. Melissa Lubin*
Mr. Brendan McCormick
Ms. Joan McKenna
Mr. Jeffrey Nulf
Ms. Gina Slaunwhite*
Mr. Kevin Sweeney
Mr. Bobby Turnage
Ms. Cathie Vick
Ms. Kathy Woollum

Class of 2016

Ms. Anne Burnett
Ms. Cannie Campbell
Ms. Terry Clower
Mr. Jeff Cole
Ms. Susan Davis
Dr. Alexis Ehrhardt*
Mr. Russell Harrington
Ms. Laurie Head*
Mr. Jeffrey Johnson*
Ms. Florence Kingston
Ms. Diane Miller*
Mr. Erik Pages
Mr. Michael Porter*
Mr. Kevin Sheppard
Ms. Linda Stanley*
Dr. Sarah Thomason
Ms. Anna Van Buren
Mr. Edward White*
Mr. Glenn Wood


Class of 2017

Mr. Gerry Culver
Mr. Brian Fields*
Ms. Susan Larsen
RADM Ann Phillips
Ms. Jennifer "Jen" Siciliano*
Ms. Liberty Williamson

Class of 2018

Ms. Amanda Cox*
Dr. Janet Gullickson
Mr. Kempton Haile*
Mr. Robert McAden
Mr. Andrew Ryan
Ms. Jill Vaughan
Mr. John West

Class of 2019

Ms. Kathleen Bowe*
Ms. Kasia (Katherine) Grzelkowski
Mr. Mark Herzog
Dr. (James) "Greg" Hodges
Ms. Mary-Beth Johnson
Dr. Susan Johnstad
Mr. William "Matt" Mansell
Mr. Daniel "Dan" Moy
Ms. Gloria Witt*
Mr. John Wolff*


Class of 2020

Mr. Brian Anderson*
Mr. Jonathan Chasen
Mr. Rus Hayslett*
Ms. Carolyn Morrison
Mr. William Tyson

Class of 2021

Ms. Buffy Barefoot*
Mr. Robert Bartolotta
Mr. Jeremy Bennett
Mr. Alec Brebner
Corey* and Sara Clayborne
Ms. Jodi Fisler
Ms. Stephanie Ford
Ms. Renee Haltom
Mr. Raymond Knott*
Ms. Georgie Marquez*
Mr. Scot McRoberts
Dr. Sharon Morrissey
Ms. Michele Partridge-Lane
Ms. Nicole Poulin
Mr. Kyle Russell

Class of 2022

Mr. William Archer
Ms. Susan Baker
Mr. Richard Buehler
Ms. Tonya Byrd
Mr. Hank Coleman*
Mr. Scott Dodson
Ms. Heather Evans
Mr. Thomas "Tom" Gibson
Ms. Kristin Henshaw
Ms. Alison Kaufmann
Mr. William "Bryan" Lee
Ms. Tina Leone
Mr. Derek Marshall
Ms. Lucy Meade
Ms. Barbara Nelson
Dr. Kenneth Smith
Ms. Brooke Tiller
Ms. Hong Webb*


Class of 2023

Mr. Jon Amores Jr.
Mr. Eric Bateman
Dr. Barbara Blake Gonzalez
Ms. Karen Bradley
Mr. Brian Brown
Ms. LeSean Carey
Ms. Malinda Carter
Mr. Matt Clarke
Ms. Roxana Demeter
Mr. Joseph Diaz
Dr. Eric Earnhardt
Ms. Michelle Ellis Young
Mr. John Emery
Mr. Andy Gail
Mr. Frank Geovannello
Mr. Shannon Hair
Dr. Alison Huffstetler
Mr. Jake Hughes
Mr. Pete Humes
Ms. Ann Hyslop
Dr. Marlena Jarboe
Dr. Vernon "Dale" Jones
Dr. Shannon Kennedy
Mr. Robert Krebbs
Mr. Timothy McHugh
Mr. Joe Mengedoth
Mr. David Metnick
Ms. Cheryl Moore
Mr. Matt Needy
Ms. Natalia Norko
Mr. Ian Northrop
Dr. Porter Brannon
Ms. Anne Rogers
Mr. Bob Schneider
Mr. Daniel Shelton
Mr. Andrew Sinclair
Ms. Jennifer Stevens
Mr. Bryan Stogdale
Ms. Catrina "Trina" Thames
Ms. Ashley Traficant
Mr. Shawn Utt
Dr. Lauryn Walker
Ms. Leah Williams-Rumbley


Mr. Sandy Fitz-Hugh
Dr. John Thomas*
John and Margaret Hager Fund