Kimble Reynolds, Jr., Class of 2005

Kimble Reynolds, Jr.
Attorney, Kimble Reynolds & Associates
Roanoke, VA
What is new and exciting with you now or since your time with Lead Virginia?
Since my time with Lead Virginia, I was appointed to serve as Chair of the Commission on Local Government by [former] Governor McAuliffe. The Commission helps to ensure that all of the Commonwealth of Virginia’s localities are maintained as viable communities by measuring the localities fiscal stress.
How did Lead Virginia shape you as a leader?
Lead Virginia gave me a new perspective on localities throughout the Commonwealth. It allowed me to better understand the issues facing each locality and to recognize the interdependence between them and the regions of Virginia. The knowledge I gained from Lead Virginia has assisted me in my roles as Mayor of the City of Martinsville, Chair of Virginia First Cities and Chair of the Virginia Municipal League’s Legislative Policy Committee.
Since Lead Virginia, how have you put your social capital to work?
Lead Virginia exposed me to the successes, challenges and aspirations of individual communities. Using this insight, I now communicate with leaders across the state to leverage community assets. In addition, I frequently call upon fellow Lead Virginia alumni for information.
What were your expectations of Lead Virginia prior to beginning the program? Did the program exceed or meet your expectations?
I had previously participated in the Sorensen Institute of Political Leadership program; therefore, I expected a similar experience with Lead Virginia. To my surprise, not only was there a broader range of topics discussed, but there was a continuous connectivity between classmates, participants, and the program that far exceeded my expectations. Also, the willingness of classmates to share their expertise and make meaningful, positive contributions was more than I ever imagined.
What was your biggest takeaway or lesson learned from Lead Virginia that continues to stick with you today?
My biggest takeaway was realizing the on-going need to bridge the gap between Virginia’s communities east of Richmond with the communities west of Richmond. By bringing these areas together, each community has a better understanding of the other and the value that each has to offer.