Skip Skinner, Class of 2008

Skip Skinner
Executive Director (Retired), LENOWISCO Panning Commission
Duffield, VA
What is new and exciting with you now or since your time with Lead Virginia?
the latest news is that I've retired from the LENOWISCO Planning District
Commission with thirty-five years of public service! I'm now taking some time and contemplating
what the next chapter in my life will be. Those that know me know that I'm very passionate about strategic
community and economic development and where those activities intersect
technology, so my focus has been around that intersection.
How has your Lead Virginia experience influenced or shaped you as a leader?
Lead Virginia has provided me with a situational awareness of my home region and other regions across the state and a better understanding of how our economy interacts with the rest of the Commonwealth. This is something I always knew, but when you travel to a region and physically put your "boots on the ground", you can you fully appreciate the issues and speak directly to leaders which are being impacted.
Since Lead Virginia, how have you put your social capital to work?
my Lead Virginia experience, I'm not sure if I was aware of the term
"social capital." My Lead Virginia experience has helped make me more aware of statewide networks and locate the best "go-to" people from across the
Commonwealth when I need to educate myself further.
What is something that Lead Virginia inspired you to do that you were not doing before you class last year?
With a clearer sense of how my home region of
Southwest Virginia is perceived by others from outside the region, Lead Virginia has inspired me to be more of a "spokesperson" for my region. This involves more listening and discernment
that talking. I've thoroughly enjoyed
the opportunity over the last several years to assist in planning in the annual
Lead Virginia visit to our region to practice these elements.
What did you expect from Lead Virginia going in? Did the program exceed your expectations and broaden your horizons?
I guess I expected
just another "ho-hum" networking experience. Little did I know what I was in for! Expectations definitely exceeded. I can now appreciate what is "beyond the
horizon" more so now than ever!