Steven Fletcher, 2007
Capstan Solutions
What is new and exciting with you now or since your LEAD VIRGINIA
class year?
Since completing the LEAD VIRGINIA experience, I have left the corporate
world. I now serve in an independent consulting capacity, assisting
organizations tackle the financial and operational issues they confront. In my
corporate roles, I typically enjoyed my work and the individuals with whom I interacted, but it was
difficult for me to see any resulting societal benefits. Now I have the flexibility to directly help
organizations succeed. Sometimes the organizations I help are non-profits, sometimes they are
companies with a compelling idea or mission, and sometimes they are small to medium sized
companies trying to maximize their potential. My contribution may be in the form of professional
services or it may be in the form of a paint can or a stack of sandwiches. But now I am able to better
integrate my career aspirations with my personal values.
How did your LEAD VIRGINIA experience help to shape you as a leader?
The LEAD VIRGINIA assemblage of such varied backgrounds, interests, callings, and talents - without a
particular issue or agenda to be resolved - provided me with an opportunity unlike anything I had
experienced since entering college. At that stage of life, I was too preoccupied with studies and
social life to gain as much as I could have by listening to and learning from the collection of different
backgrounds that surrounded me. But LEAD VIRGINIA gave me a second opportunity, and because of
that opportunity, I have a much clearer sense of what is important to me and how I can contribute
towards making Virginia an even better place to live and work. For me, LEAD VIRGINIA crystallized
societal needs and inspired me to redirect my efforts toward more meaningful causes.
Since LEAD VIRGINIA, how have you put social capital to work?
My ability to continue to help organizations is directly related to the strength of the relationships I
have with others. Most organizations that I meet come through introductions from individuals I have
assisted in some way in the past. Most of those organizations need assistance of some kind…many
times those needs are beyond the scope of the services I can provide. But those services are not
typically beyond the scope of the collective services that my social network can provide. Many of the
individuals who I met through LEAD VIRGINIA continue to be active participants in my networking and
provide the means for me to help clients with needs beyond what I can accomplish on my own.
What is something that LEAD VIRGINIA inspired you to do that you were not doing before your
class year?
The individuals I met in LEAD VIRGINIA and the important work they do in our communities sharpened
my sense of social responsibility. As a result, I now evaluate every work engagement that I pursue not
solely from a dollars and cents perspective, but on a broader scale which incorporates and integrates
societal aspects which are meaningful to me.